eagles run ranch murray grey cattle komondors - guardian dogs livestock and komondors for sale contact eagles run ranch

Livestock for sale Eagles Run Murray Gray Bulls
Eagles Run Cows & Heifers
Eagles Run Murray Gray Heifers Eagles Run Murray Gray Steers Eagles Run Murray Grey Semen Eagles Run Murray Grey Embryos

Komondors for sale

Registered Murray Grey heifers are available at the ranch. In part, due to our AI and embryo program, these heifers are from a variety of excellent Murray Grey bulls and Murray Grey cows who have met our high standards for function and structure.

Their sires can generally be viewed under Murray Grey Cattle | Herdsires. We breed our heifers at approximately 14-15 months to calve at about 2 years old, so some may be bred and some may not depending on age.

The following heifers are available for sale. For additional information and prices, please contact Eagles Run Ranch. Details on breeding, weights, EPDs and more pictures available - just email us.

Pricing on our heifers range from $1000 to $1800 with the average being $1500.

Amiga Mia 481X

Barberry 482X

Alba Rose 484X

Amele 498X

Artic Summer 502X

Desert Mallee 504X

Nightshade 510X

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